Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3

    • Assesment Of Attainment Of Recommended TSH Levels And Levothyroxine Compliance In Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Patients 

      Yavuz, Dilek Gogas; Yazan, Ceyda D.; Hekimsoy, Zeliha; Aydin, Kadriye; Gokkaya, Naile; Ersoy, Canan; Akalin, Aysen; Topaloglu, Omercan; Aydogan, Berna I.; Dilekci, Esra N. A.; Alphan Uc, Ziynet; Cansu, Guven B.; Ozsari, Levent; Iyidir, Ozlem T.; Olgun, Mehtap E.; Keskin, Lezzan; Mert, Meral; Can, Bulent; Gungor, Kaan; Galip, Tayfun; Canturk, Zeynep; Elbuken, Gulsah; Pekkolay, Zafer; Kutbay, Nilufer O.; Yorulmaz, Goknur; Kalkan, Ahmet T.; Unsal, Yasemin A.; Yay, Adnan; Karagun, Baris; Bozkur, Evin (2022)
      Objective Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) suppression treatment can induce signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism due to inappropriate treatment or poor compliance to the treatment. The current study ...
    • Distribution of RET Mutations and Evaluation of Treatment Approaches in Hereditary Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma in Turkey 

      Aydogan, Berna Imge; Yuksel, Bagdagul; Tuna, Mazhar Muslum; Basaran, Mehtap Navdar; Kocaeli, Aysen Akkurt; Ertoner, Melek Eda; Aydin, Kadriye; Güldiken, Sibel; Simsek, Yasin; Karaca, Zuleyha Cihan; Yilmaz, Merve; Akkurt, Mujde; Anaforoglu, Inan; Kebapci, Nur; Duran, Cevdet; Taslipinar, Abdullah; Kulaksizoglu, Mustafa; Gursoy, Alptekin; Dagdelen, Selcuk; Erdogan, Murat Faik (2016)
      Objective: This retrospective multicenter study, centrally conducted and supported by the Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey, aimed to evaluate the impact of free RET proto-oncogene testing in medullary ...
    • The Importance of DHEA-S Levels in Cushing's Syndrome; Is There a Cut-off Value in the Differential Diagnosis? 

      Ciftci, Sema; Soyluk, Ozlem; Selek, Alev; Erol, Selvinaz; Hekimsoy, Zeliha; Esen, Ayse; Dursun, Huseyin; Sahin, Serdar; Oruk, Gonca; Mert, Meral; Soylu, Huseyin; Yurekli, Banu Sarer; Ertorer, Melek Eda; Omma, Tulay; Evran, Mehtap; Adas, Mine; Tanrikulu, Seher; Aydin, Kadriye; Pekkolay, Zafer; Can, Bulent; Karakilic, Ersen; Karaca, Zuleyha; Bilen, Habib; Canturk, Zeynep; Cetinarslan, Berrin; Kadioglu, Pinar; Yarman, Sema (2022)
      The purpose of this study was to determine possible cut-off levels of basal DHEA-S percentile rank in the differential diagnosis of patients with Cushing's syndrome (CS) with ACTH levels in the gray zone and normal DHEA-S ...