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dc.contributor.authorGüçel, Cem; Tokmak, İsmail; Turgut, Hakantr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to examine the relations of ethical leadership among the organizational trust, affective commitment and job satisfaction. For this aim, firstly, the ethical leadership, secondly organizational trust, thirdly affective commitment and, finally, the job satisfaction are explained. In the application part, a questionnaire including the measures of the ethical leadership, organizational trust, affective commitment and job satisfaction is distributed to employees of one of the leading private universities in Turkey and the data were assessed by statistical analysis methods. Finally, it is found that there is a positive relationship among ethical leadership, organizational trust, affective commitment and the job satisfaction. The aim of this study is to examine the relations of ethical leadership among the organizational trust, affective commitment and job satisfaction. For this aim, firstly, the ethical leadership, secondly organizational trust, thirdly affective commitment and, finally, the job satisfaction are explained. In the application part, a questionnaire including the measures of the ethical leadership, organizational trust, affective commitment and job satisfaction is distributed to employees of one of the leading private universities in Turkey and the data were assessed by statistical analysis methods. Finally, it is found that there is a positive relationship among ethical leadership, organizational trust, affective commitment and the job
dc.subjectEtik liderlik Örgütsel güventr
dc.subjectEthical leadership 1, organizational trust 2, affective commitment 3, job satisfaction 4 .tr
dc.titleThe Relationship of the Ethical Leadership Among the Organizational Trust, Affective Commitment and Job Satisfactiontr
dc.title.alternativeEtik liderliktr

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