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dc.contributor.advisorGüven, Esra
dc.contributor.authorCengiz Yavuz, Eda
dc.description.abstractMediation is the acitivity of parties to resolve the dispute by means of producing the most appropriate solutions for the dispute between them by the independent and impartial third party contributions. In Turkish Law, Mediation procedure is regulated for implementing in private law disputes by Law No. 6325. The Continuous change in the working areas in the working life, the continuous increase in the number of labour disputes işaret ettiği doğrudan ve dolaylı ilişkilerin ilgili yakın temalı alanyazınla tutarlı olduğu görülmüştür. Araştırma bulguları, geçmişe yönelik erken dönem ailesel faktörlerin yetişkin dönem genel psikopatoloji düzeyine olan katkısının belirlenmesine yardımcı olarak koruyucu/önleyici müdahale programlarına ışık tutabilir. Böylece, anksiyete, depresyon, olumsuz benlik, somatizasyon ve hostilite gibi psikopatolojilerin yaygınlığı azaltılabilir. The aim of this study is to investigate whether there is a moderator role of prefrontal functions in the relationship between emotional security, family communication patterns and general psychopathology level. The sample of the research is 282 adults aged between 18-40 years. The research investigates the perception of emotional security individuals obtained from their early lives, family communication patterns, current prefrontal functions and current general psychopathology levels. Due to the aim of this study, Emotion Security Scale, Family Communication Patterns Scale, Interpersonal Neurobiology Based Prefrontal Functions Scale, Brief Symptom Inventory and demographic information questionnaire are employed. Results point that when one of the the family communication patterns which is conformity orientation increases, general psychopathology level increases at the same time. Besides, when prefrontal functions and one of the family communication patterns which is conversation orientation increase, general psychopathology level decreases. The structural equation model is represented in the sample when a path between emotional security and family communication patterns is included. According to the findings of the last significant model of the analysis, prefrontal functions mediate the relationship between family communication patterns and general psychopathology level; however, prefrontal functions do not mediate the relationship between emotional security and general psychopathology level. Beside that, in the proposed model, parallel increase or decrease has been observed between the emotional security and family communication patterns. Increase in emotional security and increase in family communication patterns, together with decrease in conversation orientation predict decrease in general psychopathology level; and prefrontal functions show mediation effect in this model. The alternative model obtained in line with the associations proposed by the analysis (removal of the direct relation from emotional security to prefrontal functions, formation of a direct path from emotional security to general psychopathology level), had been found to have a better fit. The direct and indirect relationships in the tested model correspond to related themed literature. Findings of the research may shed light on the determination of early life familial factors that have some effects on adult psychopathology. The results may contribute to the development of protective/preventive early intervention programs. Thus, the prevalence of psyhcopathologies such as anxiety, depression, negative self, somatization and hostility may be decreased. and prolongation of cases in the face of the increasing population structure and the advancement of tecnology led to the establishment of a new Labour Court Law No. 7036, in certain cases, it is necessary to apply to the mediator before proceeding to count. In our study, the concept of mediation and mediation is discussed in general besides it will be examined the role of mediator the process of mediation, the conditions of selection of mediation, the scope of the compulsory application arrangement to be made to the mediator in the Labor Courts Law, the determination of the mediator, the determination of the mediation process and the determination of the mediation processen_US
dc.publisherBaşkent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsüen_US
dc.subjectduygusal güvenliken_US
dc.subjectaile iletişim kalıplarıen_US
dc.subjectgenel psikopatoloji düzeyien_US
dc.subjectprefrontal işlevleren_US
dc.titleDuyggusal güvenlik ve aile iletişim kalıpları ile genel psikopatoloji düzeyi arasındaki ilişki: Prefrontal işlevlerin aracı rolüen_US

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