Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

    • Assessment of antibacterial activity of different treatment modalities in deciduous teeth: an in vitro study 

      Gokcen, Esra Yesiloz; Oz, Firdevs Tulga; Ozcelik, Berrin; Orhan, Ayse Isil; Ozgul, Betul Memis (2016)
      In recent years, different biotechnological materials and modalities with antibacterial activity are being developed for oral cavity disinfection. However, the antimicrobial effects of all these materials have not been ...
    • Characterization of local SARS-CoV-2 isolates and pathogenicity in IFNAR(-/-) mice 

      Hanifehnezhad, Alireza; Kehribar, Ebru Sahin; Oztop, Sidika; Sheraz, Ali; Kasirga, Serkan; Ergunay, Koray; Onder, Sevgen; Yilmaz, Erkan; Engin, Doruk; Oguzoglu, T. Cigdem; Seker, Urartu Ozgur Safak; Yilmaz, Engin; Ozkul, Aykut (2020)
      The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) recently a global pandemic with unprecedented public health, economic and social impact. The development of effective mitigation strategies, therapeutics and ...