Güncel Gönderiler: İletişim Fakültesi / Faculty of Communication
Toplam kayıt 46, listelenen: 21-40
Accepting Restrictions and Compliance With Recommended Preventive Behaviors for COVID-19: A Discussion Based on the Key Approaches and Current Research on Fear Appeals
(2021)COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) is a novel coronavirus which was first detected in late December 2019 in the Wuhan Province of China. This novel coronavirus, caused by a zoonotic beta-coronavirus (SARS-CoV-), is described ... -
A Qualitative Study On The Communicative Needs, Expectations And Experiences During Covid-19 Pandemic: 65 Years And Over Ankara Sample
(2021)This study examines the high-risk group of individuals age 65 and over who most frequently experience the negative consequences of Covid-19. We review their communicative needs and expectations, knowledge and information ... -
Ageism During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Discussion and Recommendations
(2021)The spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) was labeled a "pandemic" by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. It has caused not only health-related issues but also economic, educational, psychological, ... -
Attitudes and Behaviors About Fake News: A Case Study in Three Universities
(2020)Lack of legal regulations and difficulties in enforcement, supporting the easy manipulation and provocation of the masses are among the major disadvantages of social media. Users can the opportunity to send information, ... -
Exploring the Motivation Behind Discrimination and Stigmatization Related to COVID-19: A Social Psychological Discussion Based on the Main Theoretical Explanations
(2020)The novel coronavirus (COVID-19), was first detected in Wuhan province in China during late December 2019 and was designated as being highly infectious. The World Health Organization (WHO) labeled it a "pandemic" on March ... -
Does Robot-assisted Surgery in Urology Has Benefits? The Current Status
(2019)Minimally invasive surgery has gradually replaced the conventional surgery with the introduction of laparoscopy. Subsequently, with intensive advertisement and marketing strategies, robot-assisted surgery became popular ... -
Assessment of Hemoglobin Stability in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients Receiving Erythropoietin Therapy and the Effect of Hemoglobin Stability on Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
(2019)Objective: Anemia is one of the most important factors that decrease the quality of life in patients with end-stage renal desease receiving hemodialysis treatment. In these patients, Erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESAs) ... -
Terrorism Strategy or Strategies of Terrorism?
(2019)Terrorism is both a strategy in itself and also has several strategies. While terrorism can be seen as a strategy which is used by countries and terrorist organizations, terrorist organizations also use several strategies. ... -
Square root central difference-based FastSLAM approach improved by differential evolution
(2016)This study presents a new approach to improve the performance of FastSLAM. The aim of the study is to obtain a more robust algorithm for FastSLAM applications by using a Kalman filter that uses Stirling's polynomial ... -
The Wide Open Windows of Cholera Street: On the Light and Sound Leaking Through/To the Private Space
(2018)Inspired by the subaltern studies the purpose of this article is to examine how the dichotomy of private/public in Metin Kacan's Agir Roman Novel is reproduced on the axis of the visual language used by Mustafa Altioklar's ... -
Kişilerarası İletişimde Sapkın Şiddet: Manevi Taciz (Mobbing)
(Kriz Dergisi ,2 ,15 ,1-14, 2007)Kişilerarası iletişimde sapkın şiddet olarak "manevi taciz" (mobbing) yeni bir olgu olmamasına rağmen bu sapkın şiddetin ismi konularak tanımlanıp araştırılması ve davalara konu edilmesi yeni bir olgudur. Sapkın bir şiddet ... -
Kül Tegin ve Bilge Kağan Yazıtlarında Kadın Üzerine Bir İnceleme
(,Kültür Dergisi ,103 ,58-61, 1994) -
Siyasal İktidarın Meşrulaştırılması Sürecinde Kuttören-Basın İlişkisi: Ankara Bayram gazetesi Örnek Olayı
(Folklor/Edebiyat Dergisi ,25 ,7 ,21-33, 2001) -
Kimlik İnşasında Kağıt Kentlerin Kağıt Mezarlıkları
(Doğu Batı Düşünce Dergisi ,5 ,4 ,153-163, 2001) -
Rene Magritte'te Aynanın Kırılışı
(Folklor/Edebiyat Dergisi ,24 ,6 ,241-253, 2001) -
Reklamın Toplumsal Yansımaları ve Yeni Reklam Biçimleri
(2009)Bu çalışmada National Geographic dergisinin 2001-2002 yıllarında Türkiye?de ve yurtdışında da İngilizce olarak yayımlanan sayılarında yer alan otomobil reklamları toplumsal cinsiyet bağlamında çözümlenmiş ve reklamlarda ... -
İnternet ve Etik: Örnek Uygulama Alanı Olarak Sağlık İletişimi
(Bilgi Toplumuna Doğru: XII. Türkiye'de İnternet., 2007)E-sağlık, yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin tüm işlevlerinin hizmete sunularak, hastaların tedavisinde, sağlık hizmetlerine çabuk ve kolay ulaşılmasında, sağlık sektöründe yer alan tüm paydaşlara nitelikli, verimli ve etkili ... -
Kdz. Ereğli Örneğinde Köylerdeki ve Kentteki Çocuk Oyunlarının Farklılığının Halk Bilimi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi
(I. Ulusal Çocuk Kültürü Kongresi Kitabı., 1996)