Parametric Design as A Creation Tool for The Memory Space
This study theoretically discusses the role of parametric design in memory-space design in contemporary architecture. Subsequently, it aims to strengthen the discussion by examining three structures with different interpretations of parametric design: namely, the Abu Dhabi Louvre Museum in the UAE with its attempt to create social and cultural memory; the Yinchuan Museum in China, which has weak ties with its past due to political reasons, trying to re-create its ancient culture with its understanding of contemporary culture; and Istanbul City Museum, which uses parametric design to present the layered structure of its local and cultural memory, are the exemplary architectural structures considered. The three structures' treatment of parametric design, their differentiations of parametric-based form creation methods, and their different ways of constructing cultural memory and space relationship through parametric methods constitutes the purpose of the research.
In the study, descriptive scanning method was followed, and an interview was conducted with Alper Derinbogaz, the architect of the Istanbul City Museum.
The findings of this study are indicated as the use of information as a source of form in creating societies' cultural memories, the opportunities for cultural and environmental adaptation, and the flexible understanding of design provided by parametric design. These were deduced in all three examples where non-Euclidian and topological forms strengthen the monumentality of the museum structures.
Research Limitations/Implications
It is the fact that the parametric design approach is just developing and the number of museums that have social and cultural importance in contemporary architecture may be seen as determine the limit of this study. However, the continuous increase in the number of samples may weaken this limitation.
Social/Practical Implications
The social and cultural effects of parametric design on the creation of memory spaces are discussed.
This study is the first study that researching the cultural, environmental and formal harmony that parametric design provides in contemporary museum buildings.